Frequently Asked Questions
What are the SOAR after school programs?
SOAR after school enrichment
The SOAR After School Enrichment Program is a fee-based program that invites students (and at times their families) to participate in enriching activities outside of the traditional school day. The courses begin right after the school’s regular dismissal time and last for 1 hour. Students in after-school enrichment have to be picked-up by 3:45 PM.
Rocky Mountain Kids
Rocky Mountain Kids stays focused on providing a safe and fun environment for your kids to be kids. We are committed partners in our communities, providing support to our schools and communities wherever is needed, supporting each child, Pre-K through 8th grade in their own learning journey.
Rocky Mountain Kids
Enrollment: 720-877-5765 or online at:

Does SOAR require a school uniform?
Students are required to wear a SOAR uniform top.
Students are required to wear a SOAR uniform top.
SOAR uniforms tops are available as t-shirts and Hoodies. Uniforms are purchased directly from the school office and are available in an assortment of colors. Purchases made in the office are to be made by cash or check. Tshirts are $10.00 (ea.) and hoodies are $20.00 (ea.)
Students arriving to school without a uniform will be sent to the office to call their parents to bring them a uniform shirt.
Students can wear jeans, sweatpants, or shorts (skirts are allowed if shorts or leggings are worn underneath). We highly encourage that all children wear sneakers, as they will be physically active throughout the day.
What type of food does SOAR offer?
Research has shown direct connections between nutrition and learning.
Because of this link, SOAR works to ensure that students eat healthy foods while at school. We serve Denver Public School’s regular lunch menu with a fresh fruit and vegetable salad bar daily. Students can bring unsweetened milk or soy milk, water or 100% fruit juice, no sugar added.
As part of our wellness plan, SOAR does not allow desserts (i.e., candy, cake, cookies, pudding or jell-o) for any occasion including school meals, snacks, celebrations or parties.
SOAR participates in the DPS free and reduced lunch (FRL) program. Additional information is available on the DPS website.

Does school get cancelled due to weather?
Yes. SOAR follows Denver Public Schools (DPS) district decisions during bad weather.
In the event that Denver Public Schools (DPS) district makes a decision to cancel school due to bad weather, we will follow their decision and cancel school for SOAR as well. If school is cancelled, the assumption will be that we will not hold after school or evening activities unless otherwise communicated.
Detailed DPS winter weather and snow day information, including information on how families can find out if school is closed, can be found on the DPS website.
Is there bus transportation available?
Yes. Bus transportation to and from SOAR is provided by the DPS Success Express shuttle system.
All Far Northeast families that live within one mile of a stop and any resident student can board the bus at any stop and ride it to their participating school.
Click here to see the Bus Schedules.
All questions regarding bus location, late bus arrival, etc. are to be directed to the DPS Transportation dispatch hotline at (720) 423-4624. The hours of operation for the DPS Transportation dispatch hotline are 5:00am-9:00pm