Take our virtual tour!

We know how important it is to get a better sense of the school before enrolling! Take a look around SOAR with our new virtual tour.

Parent Teacher Conferences

Required for all families

Thursday, February 25th & Wednesday, March 3rd

Spring Parent Teacher Conferences are around the corner! Parent Teacher Conferences are an important time to share with families your child’s experience, skill and progress towards goals.

Conferences are a requirement for all SOAR parents/guardians and especially important this year with the added experience of remote learning.

All conferences will be held online, via Google Meets. Conference times are 20 minutes and each family needs to sign-up for one-time slot per child with their child’s teacher.

If you need a time outside of the conference window listed above or need support with language translation, please work directly with your child’s teacher.

Click on your student’s CURRENT teacher’s name and find the time you want.


1st Grade:

2nd Grade:

3rd Grade

4th Grade:

5th Grade:


Thank you and we look forward to sharing our experiences with you!